Monday, January 5, 2009

What To Do With All The Freebies!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year. I was able to clean out some of my freebies by giving them away as additional gifts. I have a rubber maid box where I store all the freebies that I won't use or ones that will make good gifts. For example, I saved several infant formula samples to put in a gift box along with some baby clothes for a friend who is expecting. I also saved coffee ground samples from Seattle's Best and Dunkin Donuts and put them together in a gift bag along with other goodies. The samples may not seem like good presents by themselves but when they are paired with something else and put in a gift bag, they make very beautiful and thoughtful gifts. I also buy clearance items (especially after Thanksgiving and Christmas) to put in my box to use as presents throughout the year. The key is to buy things that do not look too seasonal. Here's an expample: A week after Christmas, I went to Target and found lotion and bodywash sets for $1.00 because they were 75% off. They came in a clear box and it didn't say anything about Christmas on the box. I also picked up cocktail mixers in cute test tubes that came with shot glasses for 75% off.

I also have a box at home labeled donations where I put all the personal hygiene freebies I get. I don't need all the samples of shampoos and conditioners and I have tons of Johnson's Babies soap that I got for free at Target (I wrote about this in a previous post) so I put them in this box. My job occasionally has drives where they collect personal hygiene items to donate to shelters. I take my box and donate it all. It's a good deed and it doesn't cost me anything.

If you have any other ideas of what I can do with all the freebies please leave a comment. I'm always looking for new ideas.

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