Monday, August 17, 2009

Truth About Ebates

I have decided to pull all the posts I wrote about I've read posts from other bloggers about how Ebates gives cash back and is so wonderful but I have not had the same experience with them. I have gone through Ebates and made purchases at 3 times and not once did Ebates credit me my cash back. I sent emails to customer service and the only reply I get is that my complaints do not meet the qualifications to be reviewed. I sent an email to too but I haven't gotten a reply. If you have used Ebates and received cashback, then great. Maybe the issue is with I don't know. I just wanted to warn you all. Be careful too because people who refer you to Ebates get paid for it so make sure their intentions are correct. If you are a person who shops online a lot and would benefit from getting small percenatages of cashback, there are other companies that offer this and a lot of banks are offering online malls now where you earn cashback as well. I bank through Bank of America and I know they have it.

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